giovedì 21 marzo 2013

On Project Meetings

Five Things to Start and Five Things to Stop in Project Meetings

Project managers have a responsibility to ensure their project meetings are efficient and effective. Here are five things to start and five things to stop in meetings.

Five Things to Start:

1. Start and end your meetings on time.
2. Start your meetings by stating the purpose of the meeting.
3. Start summarizing, validating, and capturing Action Items, Issues, and Decisions during your meetings as they surface.
4. Start engaging your team members with well-thought-out questions.
5. Start capturing off-topic items in your Issues List to be considered for future meetings.

Five Things to Stop:

1. Stop letting people ramble on and on off topic.
2. Stop having meetings with no agenda and stated purpose.
3. Stop letting meetings go over time.
4. Stop allowing ego-centric individuals dominate your meetings.
5. Stop allowing people to check email and answer phones during your meetings.

On start
- Invite all the needed people and just the needed people
- Let know everyone why should attend the meeting ant the desired input from him/her

- Mute the mobile phone