venerdì 15 novembre 2013

On Organizational Psychology - Quotes

An organization which depends solely upon its blueprints of prescribed behavior is a very fragile social system.
Katz (1964)

From The Social Psychology of Organizations (1966)

The employee-oriented supervisor, in contrast to the production-oriented, or institution-oriented supervisor gives major attention to creating employee motivation. The specific ways in which he does this may vary from situation to situation, but they contribute to a supportive personal relationship between himself and his work group members

Katz and Kahn's (1966) The Social Psychology of Organizations has been the most influential. It remains one of the most widely read texts on organizational behaviour. Katz and Kahn develop a perspective in which the systems metaphor is used to mediate approaches as diverse as Marxism, human relations and event-structure theory.... In the synthesizing of structural-functionalism with the principles of general systems theory, Katz and Kahn develop a process model for interpreting organizational actions in terms of input, throughput and output. Their thesis revolves around the notion that formal social systems are homoeos- tatic, possessing qualities of negative entropy, feedback, differentiation and equifinality.

What minds discuss

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events; 

Small minds discuss people.

Eleanor Rooselvelt

giovedì 14 novembre 2013

Fast, Good and Cheap, quando la mancata pianificazione produce richieste inesaudibili

Capita spesso di ricevere richieste di realizzazione di progetti con 3 caratteristiche:
  • economicità (possibilmente gratis)
  • rapida realizzazione (spesso lo si vuole per "ieri")
  • di qualità (il prodotto del progetto deve funzionare 
Purtroppo non si tiene conto che le suindicate variabili sono profondamente interrelate, costituiscono una espressione ove una variabile è strettamente dipendente dalle altre 2.
In altre parole si possono scegliere slo 2 caratteristiche, la terza è dipendente dalle altre.

Di seguito si riporta una estratto dalla voce Il triangolo del Management di Wikipedia.

You are given the options of Fast, Good and Cheap, and told to pick any two. Here Fast refers to the time required to deliver the product, Good is the quality of the final product, and Cheap refers to the total cost of designing and building the product. This triangle reflects the fact that the three properties of a project are interrelated, and it is not possible to optimize all three – one will always suffer. In other words you have three options:

  • Design something quickly and to a high standard, but then it will not be cheap.
  • Design something quickly and cheaply, but it will not be of high quality.
  • Design something with high quality and cheaply, but it will take a relatively long time.

The project triangle as a "pick any two" Euler diagram.